Saturday, February 15, 2014

Organic veggie box from Bio Hoflieferant

My daughter, Fitzie, started her solid last summer. Since then I ordered an organic veggie box to cook her solid food. I'm very satisfied with the boxes, the veggies are fresh sometimes the carrots are delivered with some dirts too. Once I even had romaine lettuce plus a worm. Hubby told me surely sign of no pesticides and we even got some extra protein :)

Here are some of the examples of the boxes that Bio Hoflieferant sent. They are mostly regional vegetables so I got a lot of carrots, various type of cabbage. But there're some exotic stuffs that I've never seen in the supermarket too like colorful swiss chard, may turnip, purple carrots. Stuffs that you only get when you go to farmer's market. But these are delivered directly to your doorstep. One small box costs €10 and I cook Fitzie's 2 weeks food ration with it and there're always leftover for hubby and me. 

See the colorful swiss chard down there. It's surprisingly sweet and pleasant to the eye. And of course Fitzie loved it.

Here're box with some fresh fruits too.

Some extra herb for summer day too.

In case you want to order organic box and you have no idea where you can get it. I can recommend the boxes from Bio Hoflieferant. This is not a sponsored post and I'm not even paid for this. But I just want to highlight how wonderful fresh vegetables can be. And I can't stop myself taking pictures of colorful veggies.

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